
How to guide your employees through change

Building commitment for change

Visma | Yuki
Visma | Yuki

Organisational change in the
accountancy sector

Digitalisation appears to be inevitable to cope with the continuous changes in our world. It is even crucial if you want to be relevant within 5 years. What’s more, today’s digitised client has very high expectations.



Many accountancy firms are hesitant about abandoning their traditional habits. Implementing a new software or managing a new system is challenging. Why? And how can we affect this?


Together with Yuki, we’ve defined the answers. Successful changes depend on the commitment of your key employees. This commitment can be built up using a commitment ladder. In order to support Yuki’s clients, we’ve worked out a manual for them, explaining the steps their organisation can take to bring their company and their employees into a change process.

What about your commitment and that of your colleagues?

Using the commitment ladder, you go through 4 stages. Each stage has two focus points. You can easily use these to assess your own commitment to a particular change. Think about a change you are currently going through. Has this change already become routine for you (new normal) or are you just beginning to experiment? Do you want to make it (desire) or do you even not yet understand why (aware) it is necessary?

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