How to energise your change project or program for success

Once your priority change projects and programs are clearly defined, it's time to move on an iterative journey of Leader Led Change, in order to successfully deliver each change initiative.

Project – program

Run your project or program efficiently

We developed an iterative journey to make sure that leaders lead and enablers enable. During the delivery of your project or program, 5 perspectives are continuously monitored to resolve barriers for change.

These perspectives are aggregated in our Transformation Project/Program Scan, a practical tool that:

  • enables teams, in simple language, to take those actions that ensure change sticks.
  • generates a mindset of continuous learning within your change project or program and accelerates the delivery of business impact.
  • empowers project and program teams to continuously work on both the rational and emotional side of change implementation.

Crack the nuts

As you will typically encounter obstacles along the way to deliver your projects and programs successfully, our scan helps you to identify which ‘nuts’ you have to crack.

It measures the energy profile of a project or program at hand, using the Leader Led Change approach with the five perspectives. The report indicates where you are currently gaining and draining energy.


WHY AND WHY NOW - What is your burning platform?

A two-way dialogue about change story to clarify “why and why now” and the impact for each individual.

- Quality case for change

- Change story which touches heart & mind

- Clarity on implication for the individual

CREATE THE CONDITIONS - The right team on the right place with a plan

Get right team at the right place with a strong and integrated change plan.

- Team(s) are set up for success

- Robust governance & decision making

- Holistic change plan; balanced actions

- Change risks are mitigated by design

- Priority on business agenda secured

LEADERS LEAD / ENABLERS ENABLE - Everyone on the right chair

Leaders lead by heart & mind. Change enablers orchestrate.

- Act on roles & responsibilities

- Show a growth mindset

- Role model the change

MAKE CHANGE HAPPEN - Co-creation to discover and define

Co-create with employees to turn plans into reality. Channel fear and feedback.

- Discover and define

- Structured 2-directional communication & feedback

- The right conversations take place

- From plan on paper to impact in reality

GET IT TO STICK - Don't stop before it sticks

Change is iterative. Not a linear process.

- Iterative change measurement and management

- Continuous learning happens

- Don’t stop before it sticks

What is your current unresolved change challenge?

A well-tested model

Change on project/program level is part of the Energise for Success© change management approach of LQ. Multinational firms all over the world have set this approach as their global change management standard.

Internationally used, it has proven its value on multiple types of business transformations from supply chain restructurings, to digital transformations, ERP implementations and culture transformation journeys.

De Notenkraker boek

Practical tips, tools and case examples on how to crack the 50 typical change nuts

documented in the new book ‘De Notenkraker’ © 2021 – A. Kloosterboer.

Published by Business Contact

SHV Energy
SHV Energy

“By using the energise for success approach to focus on organizational, project-based and individual readiness of all those involved, we were able to crack many nuts in the change process.”

When we started five years ago with ‘Advancing Energy Together’-strategy, we knew that we would only succeed if we could get the whole organization on board. And because everyone worldwide now speaks the same ‘language’, we are increasingly supportive of each other in this transition.

– Bram Gräber, CEO SHV Energy and Marrianne Groeneveld-Klunder, CHRO SHV Energy

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